
Monday, March 14, 2016


Our pastor's sermon yesterday reminded me of a recent conversation with my mom.  I learned that in 1958 my dad picked up a hitchhiker, which was a common thing to do back then. However, it turns out this hitchhiker had too much to drink and before they had driven very far the stranger vomited all over the inside of my Dad's prized 1949 Desoto.

Dad stopped the car and kicked him out. Right? No, not this dad. He brought the stranger to our house, cleaned him up, and then drove 12 miles to my grandfather McCoy's empty apartment on Calvary Road in Carlisle. Dad fed him and allowed the stranger to stay the night.

Crazy huh? I suppose it was risky, but this is just a snapshot of how my dad lived his life. He left us way to soon, but we will see him again....and maybe his new friend! Hearing my mom tell this story reminded me of a book I read about two years ago.

THE KINDNESS OF STRANGERS is the story of a guy who had the guts to do what so many of us are terrified of doing - to leave our lives for a couple of months, step away and challenge our biggest fears. The author decided to confront his fears by hitchhiking from San Francisco to Cape Fear, N.C. Leaving California penniless, he vowed to accept no money, only food, shelter and friendship.

Crazy huh? I suppose it was risky. Even though not everyone along the way was kind and generous, most were; and the experience rekindled his optimism in America's character.

For a related post click HERE. This is a short but REALLY COOL video "Strangers Sleeping on Strangers" (Now is Your Moment)

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