
Saturday, March 5, 2016


"With all the talk in politics today, younger voters may be surprised to learn that evangelicals' love affair with politics is a recent phenomenon. During my childhood, conservative churches did little "meddling" in politics, emphasizing instead personal behavior and preparation for the next life."

"During the Brezhnev era at the height of the Cold War, Billy Graham visited Russia and met with government and church leaders. Conservatives in the west harshly criticized him for treating the Russians with such courtesy and respect. "You should've taken on a more prophetic role," they said, "condemning the abuses of human rights and religious liberty." One of his critics said, "Dr. Graham, you have set the church back 50 years." Graham lowered his head and replied, "I am deeply ashamed. I have been trying very hard to set the church back 2000 years."

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