
Wednesday, January 6, 2016


"Only once in our twenty-three years in Colorado has snow turned into an enemy instead of a friend.  On St. Patrick’s Day, 2003, it started snowing heavily, and did not stop for three days.  Seven feet of snow fell.  The house turned dark, with all skylights covered and drifts blocking windows and sliding glass doors.  Electricity went out, which meant we had no heat and no water (our well pump required electricity).  I worked for hours with a snow shovel, digging a tunnel to the woodpile so that at least we could keep a fire going in the living room.  I returned drenched in sweat from the exertion, and had no way to warm up.  I couldn’t take a shower or bath, and our fireplace and a propane heater kept the inside temperature around fifty degrees, just enough to keep pipes (and ourselves) from freezing".

This is an excerpt from my favorite authors first post of 2016. View Philip Yancey's post by clicking HERE.

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