
Saturday, October 31, 2015


It was not only the last day of the month, it was the last day of the season for some local soccer matches and cross country meets.

This morning this special guy threw in his last ball of the season - and at the end of his match he was given a trophy, which absolutely made his day.

Late morning we dropped this cool dude at DHS to catch a bus to his last cross country meet. We were told he logged his best time ever in the 5K run.

Early afternoon this guy played an impressive last soccer match of the season. 

At the end of the match he got his friends together for a team photo. 

It wasn't her last match, but late morning today we watched Hannah Banana play impressive soccer. Her sister was on her mind though, since she was unable to play because of an injury.

And on the soccer field sideline, one of her fans (her brother), was distracted by this trophy.

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