
Thursday, October 15, 2015


What a great find at a used book store in Mystic, Connecticut...Philip Yancey's tribute edition of "Fearfully and Wonderfully Made" and "In His Image".

The book is full of spiritual metaphors contained in the human body - a world of cells that uncover an unseen reality of God's creation. I like where Yancey points out differences between animals and humans .....
"In truth, we fall short in comparison to the strictly biological features of some animals. Who would compete in beauty with a splashy macaw or even a lowly Luna moth? A horse easily outruns us, a hawk sees far better, a dog detects odors and sounds imperceptible to us. The total sum of our sheer physical qualities is no more godlike than a cat’s."
"And yet, we are made in the image of God… Our cellular construction of proteins arranged by DNA can become temples of the Holy Spirit. We are not “mere mortals.” We are, all of us, immortals."
"God is asking us to be the chief bearers of His likeness in the world. As spirit, God remains invisible on this planet, relying instead on us to give flesh to that spirit, to bear the image of God."
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