
Thursday, August 27, 2015


Heard these comments while listening to a podcast today.....
"Two months from today, several environmental groups have chosen to stage a rally that will draw hundreds of thousands to the National Mall in Washington. The issue? Climate change."
"Last year Barack Obama made a choice to quickly sign an executive order, rather than wait for congress to act." The issue? Workplace discrimination of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender employees". 
"For months and months thousands of Christians in the Middle East have been executed and their children sexually assaulted and then beheaded. The issue? The Christians wouldn't convert to Islam." 
But no choice to stage a rally in Washington. And congress has made the choice not to act. President Obama and United Nations Secretary General have yet to fully declare that the Islamic State’s actions against religious and ethnic minority populations in the Middle East is genocide.
Click HERE to listen to comments today by former congressman Frank Wolf about genocide that is happening right now.  

I think there is a connection to Frank Wolf's comments and James Emery White's post today, which included this thought:
"Many have wondered what the nature of God's final judgment will be. Perhaps it will be nothing more, but nothing less, than being given over to our own choices."
Click HERE for the latest Church and Culture post "After This, The Deluge"

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