
Sunday, August 9, 2015


In his book "Rumors" Philip Yancey shares this interesting story.

"A pastor friend told me when he sits in his office and hears tearful confessions from people who have failed, he realizes at that moment they are closer to God than he is, the religious professional. (a broken and contrite heart, O God, you will not despise.)

In childhood I thought of each of my sins as a brick filling in a space that walled me off from God. My guilt feelings blinded me to the truth that I was busily constructing a wall God has already destroyed. I now believe that God accompanies me at each stage of my struggle, present with me even as I flee from Him. At the moment I am most aware of my own inadequacy, at that moment I am probably closest to God.

Once a week or so my church schedules a Mom's Night Out, with free baby sitting for single mothers who need a night off - or mothers who simply want to spend an evening with their husbands. Our pastor's wife once took advantage of this program to go out to dinner with her husband. Later, when Peter, my pastor went to pick up his three year old son, the baby sitter told him about one of the games they had played. She had asked each of the preschoolers "what was Mommy's favorite thing to do with them?." "You know what your son answered? He said that Mommy's favorite thing was to "clean me up."

In truth, said Peter, that isn't Susan's favorite thing to do with her son. Cleaning him up is an excuse to hold him. Absorbing the mess is just part of the process of getting close."

"It's the same with God."


To view a previous post about "Rumors", 
click HERE for Yancey's visit to Body World.

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