
Sunday, July 19, 2015


This month marks 48 years that Joni has been in her wheelchair.

My name is Kathy Eareckson, and Joni is my little sister. I’m the one who was at the beach that day when Joni dove off the raft and broke her neck. I will never forget that Saturday afternoon in July 1967.

I was a teenager, like Joni, and had planned a swimming date with my boyfriend. I knew Joni had hoped to play tennis with her friend that afternoon, but when the match fell through, I asked if she wanted to join us.

We drove to the beach on Chesapeake Bay and wasted no time in heading for the cool water. I stayed near shore, but Joni made a beeline for a raft anchored further out in the water.

Suddenly, I felt a sharp pinch. A crab pinched my toe! Startled, I shouted to Joni, “Watch out for crabs!” She didn’t respond. In fact, she was nowhere in sight. Not on the raft. Not in the water.

Something told me to go find her – quickly. I reached her just when she was beginning to drown!

What are the chances of a crab pinching someone’s toe and getting her attention just in time to respond to an emergency? A million to one.

Every time I’ve been tempted to doubt God’s hand in those terrible circumstances that day, God brings that humble little crab to mind. From the big events in life down to the tiniest of details, he is great, he is sovereign, and he is in control.

I’ve learned from Joni (actually, the Bible) that though our circumstances are puzzling, perplexing, and even heart-breaking, we can trust him. Bow low before the throne of your Father who loves you and cares about every detail of your life.

This story was taken from my wife's devotional "Pearls of Great Price". To view Joni's official website click HERE

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