
Saturday, May 30, 2015


Took this picture (5-28-2015) 
It felt like a time warp when I was on an old historic bridge this week in my truck. The stone bridge spans the Yellow Breeches stream, next to this old pumping station. 

Picture by Jim Miller
I found out that the four arch bridge is called Boyer's Mill Bridge and was built in 1859. This is a b
eautiful area, not far from my brother's place near Lisburn, PA.

Took this picture last fall, just upstream from the bridge
We pass under this bridge on our summer kayak trips

The Boyer Bridge is also where pictures and videos were taken of our niece when she got married in 2011. (click on video above)

*By the way, what's with the SESQUICENTENNIAL title? I'm glad you asked.

It's a word that describes the age of the bridge. The prefix "sesqui" means "one and a half". "Centennial" means "one hundred years" (150 years old) (actually 156 years)

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