
Monday, May 18, 2015


After listening to an interesting interview with this author, I gained a whole new perspective on the gay community and how they perceive the church.

In 1999, Rosaria Champagne Butterfield was a tenured English professor at Syracuse University, a skeptic of all things Christianity, and in a committed lesbian relationship. Her academic specialty was Queer Theory, a postmodern form of gay and lesbian studies. In the interview she is articulate and outspoken. For example, "When I was a lesbian I felt Christians used the Bible in a way that Marxists called vulgar, that is, to stop the conversation rather than deepen it".

For me, this was one of the most important messages I've heard in a long while. I'm not familiar enough with the gay lifestyle to know if her story applies to others in that community, but what I can say for sure is her message to the Christian community was heard loud and clear. You can listen to a 23 minute interview by clicking HERE. After clicking the link go to the last one (desiring God) under "audio". For a more detailed interview click HERE. And to read an article in Christianity Today by Rosaria click HERE.

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