
Saturday, January 10, 2015


Great time last night with two special grandkids. However....

I thought it may be helpful to alert young grandparents about a creative strategy that is being used by today's deep thinking grandkids. 

A number of months ago I was playing Stratego with another grandson. The object of the game is to find and capture the opponent's king, but there is no way for the opponent to know where the king is on the board. During the game our grandson asked me to take a picture of him playing the game. I grabbed my camera and snapped a clear picture. A few moments after I showed my grandson the nice picture, he captured my king. I was impressed until guilt made my grandson confess that he asked for the picture so he could see where my king was.

Fast forward from that Stratego game to last night's scrabble game. When my grandson asked me to take his picture, I didn't reach for my camera. In the end, he won the game anyway, but not because he was able to see my letters.

Lot's more grandkid stuff happening today...

We are very proud of Avery Lady today. She achieved 9.20 on her beam routine at 
Perry Juniata Gymnastics & Fitness meet. Amazing, since she did her routine on a broken ankle. 1st place!

And more grandkid stuff...

Our granddaughter M&M is starting her own blog soon. She is calling it sweet reflections. Can't wait to read!

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