
Friday, November 28, 2014


I've never gotten into shopping on this day, but many in our family seem to....

Some of the Hogan tribe just before leaving for 4am shopping.

There are a few stories about why the day after Thanksgiving is called “Black Friday.” The one I’ve heard most often is that Black Friday kicks off the Christmas shopping season which can actually push a store’s finances from being in the red (losing money) to black (profit). 

Recently, I’ve learned that the phrase “Black Friday” was first used Philadelphia in 1966 to describe the crowds and traffic jams outside the downtown stores the day after Thanksgiving. The mob of shoppers was similar to the people crowding the streets after the market crashed on September 24, 1869 – the original Black Friday.  (from fun facts about Black Friday

Anyway, I assume today was a pleasant experience for American shoppers, but in the UK, maybe not so much.  Click HERE.

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