
Monday, November 17, 2014


Today I viewed the movie "Tuesdays with Morrie". 

If you can find 1 1/2 hours you may want to view the YouTube version of the movie HERE. I've listed some of the dialog below (as best I can remember). It's interesting how the dialog in the movie relates to real life. 

Two days ago I bumped into a guy who I lost touch with about 12 years ago. We spent about 20 minutes catching up. Early in our conversation it was obvious he was bitter about how his life turned out. He is currently named in a law suit against a family member and is having serious relationship problems, so he wasn't a happy camper. 

And then today I listened to this dialog in the movie. 

“You will never find true happiness until you come to terms of accepting the bad that has happened to you in life, deeply forgiving yourself and other's for the hurtful things, releasing yourself from that agony by moving forward without holding on to grudges, regret or shame.  Learn to give instead of always receiving; then you will surely know what true happiness feels like.” 

Another line in the movie reminded me of our dad's life.  

"Forgive everybody, everything. Don't wait. You don't have the time." 

Dad died when he was 59 years old, but he had learned this lesson well. I wrote about this in a previous post on this blog. Click HERE.

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