
Friday, October 24, 2014


During our guy meeting this morning we shared some of the things on our bucket list.  It is great to be able to share personal stuff like this in a "safe" place every week.

As usual, I over think these discussions, so later today at the "Y" I plan to watch "The Bucket List" movie on my Kindle. The movie follows two terminally ill men (Morgan Freeman and Jack Nicholson). Although this was released in 2007, I don't recall seeing this movie, but found this interesting description:

"The Bucket List" is the story of two very different men who are facing the same inevitable death, brought on by cancer. They both realize that their lives are incomplete, so they write out a list of things to do before they "kick the bucket," hence the title of the film. 

It’s a movie filled with rich portions of dialogue about the meaning of life. The two men talk about everything from family to faith to fun. The core message of the movie is about the desire we all have to live life to the fullest. We don’t want to have an unfinished bucket list." 

What's on a typical bucket list?  A quick search shows that many things aren't impossible to accomplish, but sometimes we just need to be intentional about finishing our list. Here are simple examples on a bucket list:

Sleep overnight in an igloo. 
Carve something into a tree.
Learn how to use chop sticks.
Climb a high mountain.
Grow old with someone you love.
Visit the Holy Lands.
Pay for a stranger's groceries.
Forgive my enemies. 
Finish a watercolor painting.

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