
Monday, September 22, 2014


A grapefruit tree added a nice touch to the garden wedding yesterday. 

During the wedding ceremony the bride and groom each added dirt (soil) to a potted grapefruit tree. (The grooms' parents had to FedX soil from the Chicago area to Hershey, the bride's soil came from her back yard in Dover, PA)  

Pastor Shawn spoke thoughtful words about the tree:

"Let your relationship and your love for each other be like this tree you plant today. Let it grow tall and strong. Let it stand tall during the harsh winds and rains and storms, and come through unscathed. 

Like a tree, your marriage must be resilient. It must weather the challenges of daily life and the passage of time. And just like the tree you are planting, marriage requires constant nurturing and nourishment."

After the ceremony, Melody and Cory took the tree to their new apartment, symbolizing putting down roots and longevity in their marriage.  

Kinda' girly - but I liked it. 

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