
Friday, September 12, 2014


My blog subscriptions continue to grow.  

Most days I wish for more hours to simply read about stories that are different from mine. Blogs provide talented and creative writers a place to share interesting things about their life journey.  Learning from someone who I completely disagree with has been one of the most effective ways to bring clarity to why I believe what I believe. 

There are so many talented writers like....

Megan Tietz.  First find out who this writer is and then check out the link to her blog called "Let's Pretend We're Neighbors". 

Who is she?  I'm glad you asked......

"The rundown on me is that I'm 36, and I'm finally making peace with always being the square peg in the realm of round holes. I was raised an in evangelical church culture, but now prefer liturgical services. I raise my hands in worship to hymns hundreds of years old. I live in the Bible Belt but my politics lean a hard left. I've been known to eat McDonald's in the parking lot of Whole Foods. I'm addicted to HGTV but I hate to actually do anything DIY. I start more projects than I'll ever finish, and I dream up more projects than I'll ever start.
Some of the things I love include coffee, good food, personality tests, owls, flip-flops, finding a great bargain, old things that have a story, rocking chairs, front porches, real people and real conversation, and babies in cotton pajamas.
I hate housework and horror movies.
And that's about it, I suppose! Thank you for stopping by today. Stay as long as you'd like! The coffee is hot and strong and ready whenever you are."
Click HERE to read a recent post from Megan called "my iPhone robbed me (but I'm getting it back)"  

And another story teller......

Sarah Bessey  I’m Sarah, and this is where I write my life out – every bit of it.
And yes, life is very full here on the west coast of Canada. Picture me here, standing outside, in the free and fresh and wild air. I’m the one banging pots and pans, hollering that there is more room for everyone, there is more room, there is room for you. This is my fresh air.
I wrote a little yellow book called Jesus Feminist (Howard Books). It’s not really a book about Christian feminist theory. I see it as a book about the Kingdom of God, and what life looks like when you live into the “other side” of so many of our missing-the-point gender debates in the Church.
I am one of those happy-clappy Jesus followers with stars in her eyes. I’m an uneasy pacifist, a Kingdom of God focused woman, postmodern, liberal to the conservative and conservative to the liberal in matters of both religion and politics (not an easy task, I assure you), a social justice wanna-be trying to do some good, and a nondenominational charismatic recovering know-it-all slowly falling back in love with the Church.
I write about the intersections of a spirit-filled life: About my own faith and spirituality, about what love looks like for usmy mothering, ecclesiology, theology, women’s issuessocial justice, my own struggling journey, politics, and, well, pretty much everything else that you are not supposed to discuss in polite company.
I call this alchemy “narrative theology” because I’m usually just wanting to write what I think and experience about God and the best way I know how to do that is through story-telling.
I write about my family: About the past 13 years with my husband, Brian, who is from America’s heartland. About our eldest daughter, Anne, now 8. About our son, Joseph, 6 years old, whose birth story about being born in a parkade is always a good icebreaker. And about 3-year-old Evelynn Joanshe was born at home – on purpose this time. We’re also expecting our #Tiny #4 early in 2015!
I believe in the restorative benefits of tea, books, British television especially Doctor Who, knitting, and the legitimacy of popcorn for supper.
When I’m not penning chapters for books or blogging my heart out here, I am an editor for A Deeper Story and a monthly contributor at SheLoves Magazine. Both places are very dear to my heart.
My work has also appeared in Conversations Journal,, Her.meneutics – Christianity Today’s Blog for Women, Converge Magazine, Relevant Magazine, Today’s Christian Woman, and a handful of other places. I’ve been mentioned everywhere from The Atlantic to Slate to the Christian Post to The National Post.
I also travel now and then to hang out with people who like to talk about this sort of thing or do a bit of preaching.
And I serve on the board of directors for Help One Now and I am an advocate for Mercy Ministries of Canada.
Take a deep breath, settle down here for a while.
There is room for you here.
That's who Sarah is and now you just gotta' read what she writes.  I'm still trying to process her recent posting called "Love Letter To Your Own Body". Click HERE

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