
Saturday, September 27, 2014


It's been hard to find time to get to the lake this month.  Here's are just a few of the reasons why....

Opponents try, but the ball can't get by goalie Tate Ritchey
Josh Hogan (#11) has been insane on the field this month
Noah Hogan (#8) has shown incredible ball control. 
Beckett Ritchey successfully protects the goal.
Emily Hogan came in 1st overall in Cross Country for Dover

Emily Hogan turned 13, Hannah Hogan turned 11 years old.
We celebrated Summer Hogan's birthday this month
......and Caleb Hogan's birthday this month

Melody and Cory got married at Hershey Gardens on 9-21-014 

We spent some time at Inner Harbor in Baltimore, MD

I've logged over 50 miles on the treadmill so far this month and had over 2,000 hits on my blog - and the month is not over.  More soccer games this coming week, we pick up our pretty niece (Anna from France) at BWI, and we're involved in another wedding. (our special niece Laura K.)   

The thread in all of this?  Family. We are blessed!

Oh, one more thing.  

Tate Ritchey got a pet dragon!

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