
Saturday, August 6, 2016


"You're only as old as you feel." Or better yet, "You're only as old as you think."  During retirement when you are thinkin' you are gettin' really old - it's good to know you've got company.  My daughter sent me these three gems...... 

There are whales alive today who were born before Moby Dick was written.  
Some of the bowhead whales living off the coast of Alaska are well over 200 years old. They were born well before Moby Dick was written in 1851. 

Oxford University is older than the Aztecs.
Teaching started in Oxford as early as 1096, and by 1249, the University was officially founded. The Aztec civilization as we know it began in 1325.

The last time the Chicago Cubs won a World Series, women were not allowed to vote.
The infamous cold streak by the Chicago Cubs baseball team extends back to 1908, when they won their second World Series. Women in the US acquired the vote in 1920.


3. Oxford University is older than the Aztecs.

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