
Monday, July 14, 2014


"When mom Kay Wyma became fed up with what she viewed as her kids' "me-first" attitude, she embarked on a 12-month experiment, getting her kids to clean, cook, and even volunteer"

Now that I'm retired, the more I read the more I wonder if kids are given enough responsibility in the home today.  Based on recent reports we have an epidemic of kids who feel "entitled".  But it hasn't always been that way.

Abraham Lincoln's father often rented him out to perform manual labor tasks such as shucking corn, hoeing and plowing, and at the end of the day, the quarter that Abe's hard labor earned went straight to his father to pay family expenses.  Far cry from today.

It looks like one parent decided she had enough of the entitlement attitude and set out on a one year experiment.  Click HERE to view a 3 minute clip from the Today show called "Cleaning House".  

For a more in-depth interview (7 minutes) click HERE.

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