
Monday, June 2, 2014


Had an interesting experience while getting the truck repaired today.

A strange thing always happens when we pull up to the Nissan car lot.  My truck seems kind of giddy, almost like he is attending some kind of reunion.  He always insists that I park him next to one of his girl car friends.

Service waiting rooms are intimidating.  This one was busy and loud, bordering on bedlam. But I was up to the challenge.  I entered, followed by my 5 yr. old grandson and we began our wait. (My day to babysit)

One very large lady kept complaining that the temperature was too hot and the lady next to her was oblivious to the world while reading a magazine called Women's Day.  Whatever she was reading must have been interesting, since she held the magazine right up next to her face.

Another guy was guessing answers out loud while watching the blaring television show Family Feud, and a twenty something next to him was checking his email (on speaker phone). Everyone else was on their electronic device, trying not to think about the inevitable visit by the service rep, telling them their repair would clear out their bank account.

In all of this bedlam, there was a guy trying to keep his grandson interested in Kindle videos called "Sid the Seed" and "Kangaroo Kangaroo, Where are You?".  He next tried six games of tic tac toe, ten minutes of bust the balloons and three drawing programs.  Two trips for drinks and multiple visits to the snack machine got them through the 2 hour wait.  (that was me).

All in all we did pretty well.  I cleared out my bank account, put the kid in the truck, talked the truck into leaving the dealer lot and went home to Beckett's nana. 

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