
Tuesday, April 22, 2014


WHAT HAPPENED THEN CHANGED EVERYTHING NOW - "Even if you've heard this story a thousand times and even if you've given up on anything that smells religious" please watch this.  I watched the entire video yesterday and have never seen a more powerful depiction.  Click HERE .


I was listening to the author of an interesting book yesterday who went to Montana to live "Off the Grid"   The author and his wife now live without  traditional running water, flushing toilets, interior pipes, water heater, pressure tank, freezer, dryer, dishwasher, microwave, T.V. and most modern conveniences. They heat their cabin with an Amish wood cook stove; their only source of heat.  They hunt, fish, and grow produce for food.  They raise their own animals and harvest edible and medicinal plants.

The first part of his book answers the harder questions of “why”, we as middle class Americans need to be more self-sufficient. This combines the financial, economic, social and political reasons which include real factual examples of “why”.
The second half of this book delves into the “how to” for a more specific plan of action and “lifestyle” in regards to being more self-sufficient, while at the same time still tying in the “how to” chapters with financial, economic, social and political rationale.

The author felt the need to be repetitive and blunt on critical issues of significance to him. At the same time, he also felt the need to touch on certain topics through subtle implications. We are hopeful the reader can benefit from these objective facts and straight forward approach used in this book.

A Few of the Messages in Book

If we lose the ability or desire:

  • to grow or choose or harvest the most nutritious foods for ourselves or our families
  • to drink uncontaminated, clean water
  • to work and achieve our dreams
  • to get a job or keep a job based on qualifications and hard work in lieu of what group we are in
  • to help others
  • to save for the future so there is light at the end of the tunnel for middle class America
  • to be thinkers and not just followers
  • to stand for principle and fight political correctness so you could control some of your own destiny
  • to stand against corruption and manipulation
  • to acknowledge that we have been distracted, dumb downed and divided as an American people
  • to make the “powers that be” practice what they preach
  • to stand up to threats, intimidation, blackmail, bribery, shaming or any other kind of force or fear.
  • to say it like it is, but are willing to concede and say “that’s just the way it is”.
Then everything that makes us happy, healthy, or even human will fade away. This will diminish value, appreciation, trust, respect, love and forgiveness.

The happiest people don’t have the best of everything, they just make the best of everything. The wealthiest person is not the person who has the most “stuff”, but the person who needs the least.

Click HERE to view his website 

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