
Sunday, April 27, 2014


During our church family gathering this morning there was a brief sharing time. 

Out of the hundreds in attendance some described personal concerns; including health problems, financial struggles and difficult decisions they face in the near future. Others shared how God actually answered their specific prayers, which seemed to give everyone renewed confidence to face the week ahead.  The sharing time ended with this song:

This is the air I breathe, This is the air I breathe,  Your holy presence,  Living in me 
This is my daily bread, This is my daily bread, Your very word, Spoken to me
And I... I'm desperate for you, And I... I'm lost without you.

Desperate for you?  Wow. Pretty strong statement.

This got me to thinking about two conversations I had last week. 
  • Last Thursday a good friend posed these three questions:
"How do we know there even is a God?
"If there is a God, why would He care about only people on this earth?
"And how do we know God is engaged in our lives today?
  • And last Friday a pastor friend of mine said,
"God is at work in my life because what seems inconsequential today becomes pivotal tomorrow"  This is the strongest proof I have that God exists".

Hmmm.  Sounds like these two separate conversations could be linked.  One conversation exposed very real questions and the other may have provided one very real answer.  But the answer needs "unpacked" in order to fully understand what it means. 

In the "comments" box below, please offer any answer you can think of to the three questions from my friend. In a sentence or two, have you found God to be real in your life?  If so, how does this look?  What evidence do you have that He exists?  And by the way, do you have any idea what my other friend meant by the inconsequential becomes pivotal? 


  1. I know there is a God when I begin to understand the incredible design of this earth, the complex creation of plants and animals and everything that needed to happen during the 9 months a new life was created in my body.

  2. I have noticed a pattern in my life. Something happens, a conversation, a difficult relationship issue - and I realize that my response is based on what I experienced
