
Sunday, March 30, 2014


1985 was a good year.  After working 15 years at Borg Warner (now Johnson Controls) I accepted a job as Communications Manager at McCrory Corporation.  In between  the old and new job my wife and I traveled to Israel.

Our plane took off from JFK and it was not long before the passenger compartment filled with a yellow haze, since smoking was allowed back then.  Fourteen hours later we reached Amman, Jordan, and by that time my wife's ankles were really swollen.  

Amman Jordan made us nervous, since Jordanian soldiers seemed to be all over the place.  While we were waiting for transportation to Israel, a soldier with an automatic rifle approached me.  He noticed a "Cross" pen and pencil set in my shirt pocket and in broken English said "twenty-dollas"  I had another set in our suitcase so I said OK and gave him the set.  He gave me ten dollars American money.  I said wait "you said twenty"  He put his automatic rifle across his chest and said "ten es enuf"...... and he walked away. 

Anyway, our time in Israel was incredible.  In Capernaum we took a boat across the Sea of Galilee, saw a plaque in the garden tomb that said "He is not here, He is risen",  we rode smelly camels, visited a house that had a goat head in the kitchen sink, saw Lazarus tomb, the garden of Gethsemane and Golgotha. 

While we were sitting on the rocks at the Dead Sea, my wife got a tar like substance on the back of her slacks.  Our driver tried to clean the stain with a rag, but he seemed to be enjoying this a little too much so I stopped him. 

At the end of the week we took a bus from Israel back to Jordan for our return flight.  Everyone got off the bus except my wife and her friend.  When I came back on the bus they both were looking out the window and seemed flustered. I looked out and saw why they were flustered.  A Jordanian was openly relieving himself right next to the bus.

During the week in Israel we weren't sure about the food, and some in our group got really sick.  So we limited our meals to bread and bottled water.  When we got back to New York I recall savoring the food at a Burger King.  The Burger King workers thought we were nuts, since we kept telling them that their food was unbelievable.

In 1999 my sister and brother-in-law moved to Jerusalem to birth a 24/7 prayer tabernacle, which is now located in a beautiful facility overlooking Mount Zion and the Old City of Jerusalem.  My brother and sister in law plan to visit them late this year and we would like to return sometime again as well.

Click HERE to view the website for 24 hour prayer and worship at Succat Hallel

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