
Sunday, February 9, 2014


Today I watched Jay Leno's remarks during his last appearance on the tonight show.  First time I ever heard him talk about losing his entire family. 

Over the years I wish he would have shared more of his personal story, since it made him seem much more credible to me. You know what I mean?  I wanted to see him risk being more "vulnerable". 

Click HERE for a 6 minute video of his heartfelt goodbye.

On Tuesday, November 7, 2000, a presidential election was held featuring Democratic candidate, Vice President Al Gore, versus Republican candidate, George W. Bush. After the polls closed, it became apparent that the outcome of the very tight race would hinge on the results in Florida.  After a court battle, on Wednesday, December 13, 2000 Al Gore appeared on national TV to concede, delivering a speech which was widely praised for its gracious and friendly tone. 

I disagree with just about everything that comes out of Al Gore's mouth, but will always remember how "human" he came across in that speech.  I remember thinking that if he just would have been honest (vulnerable) during the campaign, he probably would have won.   

Click HERE for a 6 minute video of Al Gore's concession speech.

The one thing I value most about our pastor is his willingness to be real.  Sometime this is demonstrated by tears, which initially made me uncomfortable.  But after almost 20 years I have learned to appreciate this vulnerability. It shows me he is living life, absorbing the moment, being honest, being real. 

Speaking of honesty, I've been pondering a question lately.  "Why do we hide who we really are; what we are really thinking?  Why do we mask our true emotions" 

One of my favorite TED TALKS gives some answers.  It is called "The Power of Vulnerability" and you can view by clicking HERE (scroll down to DARING GREATLY).

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