
Sunday, February 16, 2014


OUR MAMA - Although they just returned from Florida a few days ago, my brother and Mom flew to Chicago yesterday for a funeral.  These one day trips are tiring, so my brother was dragging late last night as they drove back from the Philadelphia airport, when my Mom said "The more I travel, the more it makes me want to travel"  

So what is the big deal about that statement?  My Mom is 91 years old and for some reason she seems to have more energy lately than most people half her age.  It is not lost on us that God has graced Mom and our family by her long life.  
What a friend I've found, Closer than a brother, I have felt your touch, More intimate than lovers.  Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, friend forever. 
While we were singing this song in our church this morning my mind drifted to the last 48 hours when we were watching our grandkids; all 11 of them. I couldn't help but wonder if Jesus will be relevant to each of them as they grow older.  After the song our pastor mentioned that some will live their entire lives and never consider Jesus their friend. Others may have known Jesus earlier in life but somehow their relationship fizzled.  Guess the song would go:

"What a friend I've lost, though he was closer than a brother ......

Yesterday I watched a video while on the treadmill called "Getting Real: What's in Your Closet?  Francis Chan was on stage along with a big pile of very ripe horse manure.  (I think some in the front row were ready to walk out).  Chan ignored the smelly mess while dusting items on stage.  His point?  Some people have lost their friendship with Jesus because they have core issues that have cut off their fellowship with Jesus.  Every week they come to church and sort of worship -  but never deal with the issues that have caused them to lose their former best friend. If you have time listen to this 43 minute talk by Chan click HERE.

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