
Wednesday, January 1, 2014


LEO TOLSTOY - comments he would have made about 2014

"The past is unchangeable, the future unpredictable.  I can only live the life directly before me" 

THE SIGNATURE OF JESUS - a book written by my friend, Brennan Manning, who died in April of 2013.  Sounds presumptuous to call this (well-known) author friend, but let me explain. About 18 years ago my pastor suggested I read a Brennan book titled "Abbas Child". 

The book peaked my interest so I checked the internet to see what other books he had written.  While searching I noticed a telephone number and I called and said "I wanted to get information about Brennan Manning."  The guy said, "this is Brennan Manning".  How did you get my number?"  I was surprised that he answered but we ended up having a great twenty-minute conversation. 

About ten years later I attended a retreat where Brennan was the speaker and got to spend more time with him.  While there he signed my book "Signature of Jesus".  I thought it would be appropriate this first day of 2014 to share one of his prayers.

"Dear Jesus,  I can't walk away from you.  My life has no meaning, direction or purpose if you are not at the center of my personal history.  Now that I've experienced the life and heart of you, nothing else in the world can ever again be as beautiful or desirable. 

You have made me, not a nicer person - but a new creation.  It is my desire to know you intimately, to know your heart and mind so others will see you living through me.  Help me to focus, not on what I see - but on the unseen.  Help me to realize you have things in store for me that my eyes and ears will never see or hear.  I love you Jesus."

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