
Monday, December 23, 2013


5 FAVORITE READS - Rachael Held Evans brings interesting perspective.  Click HERE to see what she spent time reading during 2013. Her journey is summed up by her as....

"I’m a skeptic, a creative, and a follower of Jesus, figuring out this journey of faith one shaky step at a time." 

CONSIDER JOSEPH - Brian Kershisnik’s painting called “Nativity”. It’s not your average depiction of the nativity.  Click HERE after reading comments below.

nativityFull2 copy

"And I like the expression on the face of Joseph, his hand over the eye closest to the crowd, yet uncovered toward his son. He’s bewildered. He’s moving forward in the burdensome yet awesome responsibility he’s been given in the eternal story.

He seems human, and in dilemma for having been given a child, who was God, but who was also his child. I wonder in what way Joseph loved Jesus. The Child was not His own, biologically. And Joseph knew the child was from God. I think the painter captures something special here." 

Click HERE for related blog

ON THE JOURNEY - Really interesting reading.  Click HERE.

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